Linux, or Mac OS X. Java Runtime Environment 1.6 (or above) for the: AirView: utility. Web Browser: Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, or Microsoft Internet Explorer: Top View: LAN LEDs (1-4) Displays the status of the wired: connections to Ethernet ports 1-4. Is there a way for me to airdrop between my 2016 Macbook Pro with Catalina & my 2011 Macbook Pro with High Sierra? I have 'Allow me to be discovered by: Everyone' on my Catalina & my High Sierra doesn't show any other options in terms of being discovered. My High Sierra doesn't detect my iPhone 11 either. Can someone please respond with a solution?

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A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android


You can't walk, but you can move by launching yourself with rockets! Enjoy the epic game that has a juicy story. Unlock parts of the story after every level.


R = Restart

Esc = Main Menu

Left Click = Shoot


Lead artist: HackedZach[]

Lead programmer:




Rocket Lite 2: Between Bullets Mac Os Catalina


Join the following discord server to report bugs[]

PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, Android
AuthorMyth Studios
GenreAction, Role Playing
Tags2D, Action RPG, Explosions

Install instructions


1. Download

2. Unzip

3. Go into the Luqman Windows folder and run Luqman.exe

Mac OS

1. Download

2. Unzip

3. Go into Luqman MacOS<Contents<MacOS and run Luqman


1. Download

Rocket lite 2: between bullets mac os 11

2. Unzip

3. Go into the Luqman Linux folder and run Luqman Linux.x86_64



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Man this game is hard and great. It reminds me Soldier from Team Fortress 2. I really like to do poge in this game.

Hello, I have come from the MGT discord server. Really nice trailer and 'making of' video. They really sell the idea of your game.

Your limited budget is apparent, but you seem to have been resourceful with your time and prioritized the right things. Most indie devs of this size forget to add music and sound - which I think is very important.

I think you could have spent a little more time on tweaking some variables. The gravity is a bit low, I think. The radius of the explosions could be larger. And if I were you, I would make the view size much bigger. It is really frustrating when you get launched into the air without being able to see the ground below you.

I love the cutscenes in-between the levels. Splitting the story up into bite-sized pieces was a great decision since it increases the reward for completing levels. The story isn't more complex than it need to be, and no cutscene feels unimportant or too long.

The enemies could have a lot larger bullets. They are quite hard to see on the bright background. I also found it quite frustrating when I launched right into an enemy without being able to escape before I got shot. Maybe instead of killing you, they could knock you back. Or, you could increase the rocket recoil to give the player some more control in the air.

All in all, it's not perfect - sometimes frustrating, but rewarding. I enjoyed playing this game and taking part of the story. I wish you guys the best of luck with your game-development journey.

Rocket Lite 2: Between Bullets Mac Os X


Thanks A LOT for all the feedback!!! In future games we make we will 100% think about everything you told us =D

We got a lot of requests for Luqman 2 as a bunch of people enjoyed playing the game so your feedback will be implemented into the the next one!

The game is supposed to be kind of a rage game(not too much tho) to make the gameplay time somewhat longer haha

In the next Luqman we are hoping to make every level different, so the game doesn't feel so repetitive!

Thanks for all the feedback again =D

Wow, this game very, VERY cool! And I love the art style. But only one thing: its really annoying when u get stuck on chimneys or other stuff on the roof. And I think it would be cool to add a bit more recoil to the player when he is airborne.

Thanks for the feedback =D

We made it so you can get stuck on those on purpose, to get out just launch yourself into the air and push to the side with recoil. We will think about adding some more recoil to the player :)

Rocket Lite 2: Between Bullets Mac OS

Rocket Lite 2: Between Bullets Mac Os 11

Thanks a lot =D A update with bug fixes, more polishing and an actually beatable boss is coming out soon!