Prepare Your Mac for Blackboard

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Because Blackboard is a PC-based product it is highly recommended that you configure your Mac to work better with Blackboard. This means installing and using Blackboard's recommended software.


Also, be sure to create save any content you intend to submit to your instructor in a format that can be accessible to all kinds of users, whether Mac or PC.

Use a Supported Web Browser

Be sure to use one or two of these Blackboard-compatible Web browsers on Mac machines:

Enable JavaScript and Cookies

Blackboard requires that you have JavaScript enabled and allow cookies in your preferred web browser.

Create Accessible Documents

If you are using a Mac to create course materials for use on Blackboard, you may have encountered difficulties with sharing your files with PC users or getting your files to display properly in Blackboard. Mac's cannot view documents within the browser. Safari and Internet Explorer are configured to automatically download most documents into the 'Download Manager', onto the Desktop, or other location.

We advise the following strategies if you encounter these issues:

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  1. Offer different versions of the same file for different purposes (i.e. one for viewing within the browser, one for printing, etc.).
  2. Create files that can be viewed within Blackboard.
    1. HTML files - In Word, save your document as a Webpage. (Save As >> Webpage).
    2. Offer documents for printing: Word document (.doc) , Rich Text Format Document (.rtf)

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Also, be aware of file extensions. Blackboard expects PC-style file-type extensions in order to process documents correctly. If you are using Mac OS X or better, your Mac will automatically assign the appropriate file extension for MS Office files (i.e. Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc.). If you have an earlier version, you may need to add a file type extension to your Mac file names manually. This will allow PC users to easily read your files.

Common file extensions include:

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  • .doc - Used for Microsoft Word documents
  • .xls - Used for Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
  • .ppt - Used for Microsoft PowerPoint presentations
  • .htm, .html - Used for HTML documents (Web pages)
  • .txt - Used for plain text files
  • .rtf - Used for Rich Text Format documents
  • .jpg - Used for JPEG photographic images
  • .gif - Used for GIF graphic files.