• Performance on various Android models can vary greatly due to many variations in hardware, memory, and processor configurations. The Samsung Galaxy SX series have been tested from the S6 model and later with very good performance using the Gaia app. Compatibility: Requires Operating System 9.0.
  • Mac OS is considered the pioneer of GUI based operating systems, as it was launched when MS-DOS was the industry standard. Mac OS is a completely capable OS that provides functionality and services similar to Windows or Linux OS. Some of the code base and features of Lisa OS have been incorporated in Mac OS.
  1. The Gaia Directive Mac Os Download
  2. The Gaia Directive Mac Os X
  3. The Gaia Directive Mac Os Catalina

If Mac OS X has seemed neglected lately, it probably has a lot to do with iOS hogging all of Apple’s attention. Since Leopard’s release, iOS has gone through four major revisions, each bringing important new features to iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches.

Mac OS X & macOS names. As you can see from the list above, with the exception of the first OS X beta, all versions of the Mac operating system from 2001 to 2012 were all named after big cats. I'm trying to back up a MAC using the All save set with a customized directive. The All save set works fine but my exclusion of a mounted drive isn't working. The volume is called /volumes/Video Arch 1, my latest failure: skip: '/Volumes/Video Arch 1' Does anyone know the correct syntax t.

At last October’s “Back to the Mac” press event, Apple finally announced Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion), due to ship in summer 2011. Only a few new features were demonstrated, and then only briefly, so it’s hard to say whether Lion will be another bargain-priced release like the $29 Snow Leopard, or a feature-packed $129 blockbuster like Leopard. But the details we did get make some things very clear.

For the next iteration of Mac OS X, Apple has taken inspiration from the defining characteristic of iOS: simplicity. Just as the Mac was originally a friendlier alternative to command-line operating systems, iOS today stands in stark contrast to Mac OS X and other powerful, but still relatively complex, desktop operating systems. Apple plans to use what it has learned from iOS to make Mac OS X more approachable and even easier to use.

The trouble with apps

The Gaia Directive Mac Os Download

Let’s start with the most basic operating system task: installing and running applications. Experienced Mac users may take this process for granted, but try explaining it to a novice. The byzantine system of compressed files, disk images, and installer applications can be cumbersome even for expert Mac users.

You download an application. Where does it go? Once you find it, is that an installer or the app itself? Once it’s installed, do you drag it to the Dock or run it from where it is? And what do you do with the disk image after that?

Uninstalling an app is even worse. Mac OS X offers no uniform way to do it. Sometimes, dragging the application’s icon (assuming you can find it) to the trash is sufficient. But any application that uses a multistep installer probably also needs an uninstaller to really remove it.

Compare all of this to iOS, in which installing any app is as easy as tapping one button. Uninstalling an app is just as simple, and works the same for all apps. This ease of installation (along with low pricing) is why iOS users are so much more willing to purchase and install software. People who are daunted by the prospect of installing Mac applications will happily tap their way to screenfuls of apps on their iPhones and iPads.

Apple has listened to that feedback. The forthcoming Mac App Store will bring the iOS app experience to the Mac: one-click purchase-and-install, explicit visual feedback on download progress, and a clear indication of where the application will live once it’s downloaded. At the October event, Apple didn’t demonstrate a new process for uninstalling. But it’s a good bet that it, too, will be modeled on iOS.

Finding without the Finder

Mac OS X’s Dock went a long way toward simplifying the experience of launching applications on the Mac. Things take a turn for the worse once the user has to move beyond the Dock. The Finder is a big step up in complexity from the Dock’s simple row of icons. There’s also the shotgun approach offered by Spotlight, but once the user starts typing search queries, the battle for simplicity has already been lost.

iOS has taken the Dock’s approach a step further. Instead of just a single line of the most frequently used applications, iOS arrays all of its apps in a series of icon grids. Yes, there’s still a search function as a last resort, but there is nothing like the Finder in iOS.

The gaia directive mac os x

Apple now appears to be questioning whether there should even be a Finder in Mac OS X. Lion’s Launchpad feature brings iOS’s app icon grid to the Mac, usurping the Finder’s role as the fallback tool for finding and launching applications that are not in the Dock. With Mac applications increasingly using a “library” metaphor, as pioneered by iTunes and iPhoto, the need to interact directly with files by accessing the file system is slowly disappearing.

Toward the iOS ideal

The OS also influences the design of the applications themselves, through the development tools and frameworks it offers and the example set by the OS’s bundled applications. Apple’s new directive for Mac OS X applications is that they should be more like iOS apps.

For example: iOS apps cover the entire screen. That makes sense, given the small screens of handheld devices. But it also provides a measure of focus that customers seem to like. Mac developers are now being encouraged to add full-screen modes to their applications; Apple has already done so itself in apps such as iPhoto. Future versions of Mac OS X will provide a way to switch easily between applications without leaving full-screen mode, retaining both the Mac’s multitasking advantages and iOS’s clarity of focus.

Due to the memory constraints of handheld devices, iOS only recently gained the ability to run multiple applications at once. Even so, iOS applications must still be ready to be evicted from memory at any time, and are expected to automatically restore themselves to their previous state when launched. This also means that there’s no explicit Save operation in iOS applications; work is saved automatically.

Though not subject to the same hardware limitations, Mac OS X applications should behave the same way, Apple has decided. Future versions of Mac OS X will likely include native support for automatically saving and restoring an application’s state. It’s possible that the Dock will no longer provide any visual indication that an application is running: If application state is never lost, the distinction between running and not running no longer really matters.

Eyes on the prize

There are many more traditional areas where Mac OS X will continue to develop: the transition to 64-bit will be completed, support for flash storage will improve (perhaps with the help of a new, more modern file system), and 3D performance could get some much-needed attention.

But these efforts are dwarfed by the bold new course Apple has charted for Mac OS X. From its experience with iOS, Apple believes it has discovered—or perhaps rediscovered—the secret to selling consumer technology products: simplicity. This doesn’t mean that the Mac we know and love will disappear. Rather, by stealing the most successful ideas from iOS, the Mac OS of tomorrow could slowly shed its legacy constraints while still remaining true to the power, utility, and spirit that has always defined the Mac.

[John Siracusa, a Mac user since 1984, is a Web developer and freelance writer. Illustration by Tavis Coburn.]

The second data release of ESA's Gaia mission contains the positions and brightness of 1.7 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy and nearby galaxies. It also includes distance indicators, motions and colour information of 1.3 billion stars, as well as additional information about other celestial objects, based on 22 months of observations between July 2014 and May 2016.

With these data, astronomers can create the most detailed map of our Galaxy ever made. Several resources have been developed to visualise this extraordinary data set, both for public outreach and scientific exploitation purposes.

360-degree interactive visualisations

360° view of Gaia's sky. Click here for details and large versions of the video.
Credit: ESA/Gaia/DPAC; ATG medialab; CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
Parallax and proper motion on the sky. Click here for details and large versions of the video.
Credit: ESA/Gaia/DPAC, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

You can explore these 360-degree interactive visualisations above using a mobile device, such as a smart phone or tablet, and moving it around to view different regions of the sky. On a computer, click and drag your mouse to explore the sky in the video player.

These immersive visualisations are best experienced with a Virtual Reality Cardboard kit, using the YouTube app on a smart phone and selecting the cardboard icon on the video player.

GaiaVR: a Virtual Reality showcase of Gaia's sky

GaiaVR is a Virtual Reality application developed for Windows [zipped folder, 115MB] and
for Mac OS [zipped folder, 110 MB] that provides an immersive experience of the full sky based on data from Gaia's second release.

This application can be viewed with an HTC Vive virtual reality headset and a motion-tracked handheld controller. If you don't have access to an HTC Vive set, you can still add the software on your computer and explore the 2D visualisation tool on your screen.

The software does not need to be installed. Simply download the appropriate application folder from either link above (depending on whether you have Windows or Mac OS) and place it anywhere on your computer.

Credit: ESA/Gaia/DPAC; ATG medialab

Gaia Sky: Explore the Universe as observed by Gaia

Gaia Sky is a real-time, 3D, astronomy visualisation software that runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS. It is developed in the framework of ESA's Gaia mission by the Gaia group at the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut (Zentrum für Astronomie Heidelberg, University of Heidelberg, Germany).

The Gaia Directive Mac Os X

It contains a simulation of our Solar System, a view of the second Gaia data release (with different selections based on parallax relative errors, ranging from a few million to hundreds of millions of stars), and additional astronomical and cosmological data to visualise star clusters, nearby galaxies, distant galaxies and quasars, and the Cosmic Microwave Background.

Gaia Sky VR, the Virtual Reality version of Gaia Sky, is a real-time, 3D, astronomy Virtual Reality software that runs on multiple headsets and operating systems thanks to Valve's OpenVR.

Credit: ESA/Gaia/DPAC; Gaia Sky: Toni Sagristà, Stefan Jordan (2018)

The Gaia Directive Mac Os Catalina

Gaia visualisation interface for scientists

The ESA Gaia archive also provides the Gaia Archive Visualisation Service (GAVS), an interactive tool to visually explore the huge potentialities of this extraordinary data set. The visualisation interface can be accessed here and relevant documentation is available here.